Event Planning
The following links open the key documents that enable Event Chairpersons to plan and Execute a Major Event. Login to use links to forms.
Guide for Event Planning
Event Timeline/Check-List
Room Reservation (for decoration time before Saturday, see Instructions)
Event Estimated Budget - Online Submittal
Publicity- (1) Submit Calendar Entry (see Instructions)
- (2) Box Office Flyer and (3) SL Community Channel page will be prepared for major events from the Calendar Entry.
Event Final Details Form - Online Submittal- Required to provide Box Office information and initiate Flyer preparation
- Identify Name of person event assigns to take photos of event, if desired.
- Due no later than 5 weeks before event
Request for Reimbursement/Payment - Printable Form to Attach Receipts
Event Final Tally Form - Online Submittal
Storage of Event Decorations - Instructions
Supporting information
List of Event Support Contacts
AV Support (includes list of assigned support person)
Table Layout Examples and Numbering
Kitchen Procedures and Information
Revised 3/7/2024
The following documents can be printed in support of Potluck Dinners Sign-ups. Note sheets for two different options for Potluck signu-ps are provided.
Potluck Combined Table and Dish Sign-up Forms (8.5x11 paper)
Potluck Table Layout Numbering (for use with above Combined Table and Dish Sigh-up Form)
Potluck Dinner Table Sign-up Diagram - 216 people (for 11x17 paper)
Potluck Dinner Table Sign-up Diagram - 240 people (for 11x17 paper)
Potluck Dinner Dish Sign-up (for use with separate Table Sign-up Diagrams )