AC Procedures and Doc's

Click a heading to view Activity Committee procedures and documents in that category. Links are provided to open pdf documents that typically open a new page in your browser.  You'll need to use you browser back (previous) button to return to the Silver Lakes website after reading the document. 

Box Office (Online)

See Step-by-Step Instruction Sheet for Using the Online Box Office
Starting page for Online Box Office Event Registration is accessible under the Activities Menu.

Event Planning

Guidelines and links to forms needed to plan and execute events at Silver Lakes are provided on the 

Funding and Reimbursement Forms

The following forms are used for funding of activities and events in the Park.  Please select the correct form based on your needs.
Request for Reimbursement/Payment - This form is used to generate a payment to reimburse funds for a previous purchase.
Request for Authorization for Funding - This form is used to request approval to make a purchase.  It does not generate a payment.