Important Phone Numbers
Collier County Sheriff's Department | 239-252-9300 |
open 24 hours per day
Dispatch for Fire, EMS, and Police |
Emergency | 911 | |
Silver Lakes Office Phone | 239-417-3446 | |
Silver Lakes After Hours Emergency
239-380-0624 |
This number is to be used only when a
serious problem occurs in the Resort
outside of regular Office hours.
Example: water leak, mechanical problem
Silver Lakes Office - Fax | 239-775-4165 | |
Silver Lakes Rental Office | 239-775-2575 | |
Collier County Utilities (water & sewer) | 239-252-2380 | |
Florida Poison Info Center | 800-222-1222 | |
FPL (Florida Power & Light) |
Surge Protectors for electric meters (FPL) | 888-667-8743 | |
Thompson Gas - Propane Refills | 239-992-7942 |