
Instructor Led Fitness Classes at Silver Lakes
Where Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Intensive Step Cardio and Strength Training
8:30 am
Intensive Step Cardio and Strength Training
8:30 am (Streaming)
Chair Yoga (Y)
10:00 am
Gentle Yoga (G)
9:30 am
*not on Hot Dog Tuesdays
Chair Strength (Y) 10:00 am
Gentle Yoga (G)
9:30 am
Chair Yoga (K) 10:00 am  
Line Dancing class(L/T) 4:00 pm
Jan 16, 23, 30th
Feb 13, 20, 27th
Mar 13, 20, 27th
7:30 am
7:30 am
7:30 am
7:30 am
 7:30 am
 7:30 am
8:30 am
 8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
AquaFit (D) 9:30 am WaterWorks (Y) 10:00 am AquaFit (D) 9:30 am WaterWorks (Y) 10:00 am WaterWorks (Y) 10:00 am WaterWorks (Y) 10:00 am
Calling all fitness finatics!  We are looking for fitness leaders. Let Gwen know if you would like to lead a class. Here are some areas that we could use new leaders. 
  • Aerobics
  • Line dancing
  • Zumba
  • Tai Chi
  • Any kind of dance (e.g., tap, clogging)
  • Strength Training
Descriptions of Classes
Class Instructor Start - Stop Description
Intensive Step Cardio and Strength Training Streaming 10/29/2024-4/30/2025 Work on your cardio while participating in step aerobics, balance, strength and interval training. This is a higher level class with quick step moves, many strength moves,  and balance. 
Gentle Mat Yoga (G) Gwen Cadman 1/7/24 to TBD
Please feel free to bring your own mat, block and strap (belt, scarf). Mats and blocks are available if you do not have one. There will be some transition from lying to standing but will be kept to a minimum. Instructions will be thorough to help all levels, beginner and up. There will be options for those who are seasoned yogi's. Yoga is good for the body, mind, soul and your golf game as well..... HEE HEE.
Chair Yoga (K) Ken Alder 11/29/24 to TBD Chair Stretch and Balance is a total body workout with a warm up and a variety of stretches sitting on the chair or standing using the chair for support. No getting on the floor.
Chair Yoga (Y) Yvonne Busarow 11/11/24 to TBD A gentle form of yoga that is done sitting on a chair or standing while using a chair for support. This yoga is for people who can benefit from the stretching of Yoga without getting down on a mat. Join us - beginners are welcome!
Chair Strength Yvonne Busarow 11/20/24 to TBD
45 minute class in which you increase muscular strength and range of movement and balance while sitting in a chair with some standing, holding the chair.
Line Dancing Libby Young 1/16/24 to 3/27/24
One hour Boot Scootin’ Boogie line dancing class. 1/16,1/23, 1/30, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27. Classes are held on the DCH dance floor. 
AquaFit  Deb Austin 11/4/2024-TBD 50 minute class: 30 minutes of high energy, choreographed cardio, followed by 20 minutes of strength training and stretching. 
WaterWorks Yvonne Busarow
45 minute session of cardio and strength training in the water choreographed to music
All participants must sign a waiver once a season to be aware the instructors and or Silver Lakes is not responsible for personal injury.  
Please arrive early with enough time to sign the exercise waiver. You will also need time to set up so you can participate. 

Coordinator of Fitness: Gwen Cadman